Welcome to Arvada Community Garden Website

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Growing with the Community

A community garden is a shared space gardened by a group of people. In Arvada, Colorado, the Arvada Gardeners Community Garden has 140 plots on City land. The Arvada Community Gardens are open dawn-to-dusk, daily, year round.

Make a donation.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Arvada Community Garden Logo

Garden Membership Levels:

  • Full Plots $70

  • 1/2 Plots $35

  • Raised Beds $35

  • Wheelchair Beds No Charge

  • Membership (no plot) $35

2024 Gardening Season

Thinking about becoming a member?

Contact Judi Sedustine @ 303-907-2502 


with any questions you may have for the 2024 gardening season.

To print out and complete an Application and Waivers-click the links below:

Mail completed application (pages 2-4 only) to:

Mike Mutnan

7248 DeFrame Ct.

Arvada, Co.  80005


Current Members:

If you would like to retain your current plot for 2024 make sure you have:

  1. Completed the required 15 hours of community work in the garden per plot for 2023.

  2. Cleaned out your current plot for the winter by November 14th, 2023 (all weeds, plants and garden equipment have been removed from your plot).

  3. NOTE:  Current members must complete a new application/waivers each year.    

  4. Mail your completed forms and payment to Mike Mutnan as below or bring it to the next monthly meeting. 

  5. DEADLINE for renewal is Monday, February 12, 2024

Mike Mutnan

7248 DeFrame Ct.

Arvada, Co.  80005

We look forward to gardening with you!

Garden tour photo from 2018

Garden Tours

The garden is staffed and open to the public on Wednesday and Friday evenings, 5pm to 7pm and on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 8am to noon. For other times you can also schedule a guided garden tour. Contact our Garden Tour Director, Connie Wolfe at CLBWOLFE@COMCAST.NET. She can accommodate most groups: families, children, seniors, daycare and social groups. Tour may include the garden plots, greenhouse, compost area, ditch and pumps, ADA beds, barn, new shed, gourd arbor, beehives, Monarch Butterfly area, pumpkin patch, gazebo, porta potty, herb garden and “the view.” She can cater the tour to meet your group’s needs and interests. Please contact her if you are interested in a garden tour.

Bicycle Friendly Business Logo Picture

Bronze Bicycle Friendly Business

The Arvada Gardeners have  been named a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Business by the League of American Bicyclists

*See the link below for more information:


Community Table Logo

We support the Community Table and the Arvada Veggie Van by allocating dedicated garden plots to these organizations.  Gardeners also donate produce from their gardens.  In 2021 we donated 3290 pounds of fresh produce, our best year ever.  An on-site refrigerator provides safe and convenient storage of produce between deliveries. 

Arvada Garden Logo image

Click here to view our 2024 Brochure!

Coming soon!

Gardeners planting a tree together

 "The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation helped the Arvada Gardeners plant 10 fruit trees and 10 fruit shrubs at the Arvada Community Garden on June 22nd.  The harvest will be shared with the gardeners, Veggie Van and Community Table."

Watch the video here!

Fruit Tree Planting  

Young gardener at the festival of scarecrows


Our garden participates in many activities within the community. From providing support for city-sponsored events to helping preserve the heritage of gardening in the area, our focus is to have fun while increasing our sense of community pride. The Arvada Harvest Festival and the Festival of Scarecrows are just two of our favorites. 

Arvada Gardeners giving a class on onions

Arvada Gardeners Classes 

2024 Free Gardening Classes Schedule Coming Soon!