Starting Plants from Seed

Starting Plants from Seed

How to start plants from seed, including onions, tomatoes, peppers, cole crops. Includes selection of potting soil, containers to use, germination, lighting, watering, fertilizing, hardening off and final planting. Each participant will receive some planting materials and transplanting tools.  Bill Orchard CMG & AG

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Growing Onions

Growing Onions

Short class on everything you wanted to know about growing onions.  Varieties covered:  short day or long day, keeper, red, white or yellow, leeks, bunching, shallots, chives, green onions.  Class will cover planting, fertilizing, watering, harvesting, drying and keeping.  Dan Appelhans and Wally Gallaher AG

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Vertical Vegetable Gardening

Vertical Vegetable Gardening

Learn the advantages and disadvantages, many structure options to use, DIY projects that you can make, different types of containers, best plants suited to vertical gardening and vertically challenged plants. Bill Orchard CMG & AG

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Rose Care Overview

Rose Care Overview

Many gardeners are fond of roses. Roses do well in our area but not everywhere in the garden. Learn where to plant roses, how and when to prune roses, as well as fertilizer regimes to give you strong, healthy roses. Sally Berriman AG, Rick Miller AG

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Gardening for Beginners

Gardening for Beginners

A class for the beginner gardener. Class will cover location, soil improvement, watering, organization, layout, in ground, raised bed or containers, cool and warm season vegetables, when to plant, mulch and compost, seeds vs transplants, pest and disease management and harvesting. Bill Orchard CMG & AG

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Growing Tomatoes

Growing Tomatoes

Learn from a master gardener how to grow better tomatoes. Tomato problems stem from three main sources, what are these and how can you prevent them? Learn the best practices for happy tomatoes and happy growers. Learn about other considerations when wrapping up the season, Kerry Poppe, Jeffco Master Gardener.

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Learn from Arvada Community Garden beekeepers all about hives and beekeeping. You will learn the life cycle of the European honey bee, and the many unique jobs bees perform in and outside of the hive. Learn how new bees regulate the population of the hive. How is it that a drone can have a mother, a grandmother, a grandfather, but never a father? Learn the current health hazards that threaten the future of honey bees. John Baltich CMG

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Water Conservation

Water Conservation


Water conservation programs are designed to change water use behavior, introduce improved water fixtures and achieve water savings both short term and long term.  Class will show you how to conserve water outdoors in your garden, your lawn and your landscape.  Bill Orchard CMG  AG

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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Garden Tool Care

Garden Tool Care


This class will look at these garden tools: long handled shovel, garden hoe, hedge clipper and bypass pruner, and will discuss the common used of each tool, cleaning techniques for handles and blades, sharpening, storage of each tool.  Use and care of other tools will also be discussed. Bill Orchard CMG & AG

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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Container Gardening

Container Gardening


Delve into the land of container gardening and learn many of the advantages compared to traditional gardening:  accessible, less weeds, less tools needed, container mobility, decorative planters, great for the novice.  Also learn what size container is needed for various flowers and vegetables.  Sally Berriman AG

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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Preserving Your Spring Harvest

Preserving Your Spring Harvest


A class which will give you an basic introduction into the many different ways of preserving the spring harvest including:  water bath canning, pressure canning, dehydrating, freezing, pickling, fermenting and fresh storage.  The class will let you know what method is best for what vegetable or fruit.  Sally Berriman AG.

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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Learn all about how we use the natural process of decomposition to rejuvenate our soils and create a fertile environment for our beloved plants from one of the gardens compost team members. We will cover topics from the history of composting to how we compost at the garden to what you can do at home. Great class for those wanting to learn more about how composting works, how we compost at Arvada Gardeners, and how to get started at home.  Rick Miller AG

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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Organic Gardening

Organic Gardening

Are you an organic gardener? Come join a round table discussion where we will share our experiences and knowledge about soil amendments, water conservation, pest control, and other ideas related to organic gardening. Local resources helpful for this gardening method also will be presented. Rick Miller AG

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Waterwise Plants Succulents and More

Waterwise Plants Succulents and More


Succulent plants include cactus and any other plant that stores water in its stem or leaves. Such plants have developed special and unique shapes, colors and textures that provide decorative beauty to any home. Many succulent species have soft, fleshy leaves that come in hues of green, blue-green and purple.

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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Native Plant Gardening

Native Plant Gardening

The Anthropocene is experiencing catastrophic extinction rates largely due to habitat loss. We can compensate for this environmental crisis by including native plants in our gardens. This class will introduce you to gardening methods and local resources that will allow you to actively participate in native plant gardening. Rick Miller AG

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Garden Myths

Garden Myths


Learn about 34 common garden myths related to growing your vegetables, taking care of trees, working your Colorado soils, using pesticides and adding fertilizers, purchases for your lawn and landscaping and how to water your yard, garden and landscape.  What’s true, what isn’t, what’s a myth.  Sally Berriman AG

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.

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Putting Your Garden to Bed

Putting Your Garden to Bed


Learn what you need to close down your garden for the season including removing plant materials, mulching, soil turnover, composting, cleaning containers and tools, storing hoses, stakes and cages, rototilling in dead materials, cover crops, making notes, etc. Bill Orchard CMG & AG

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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No Dig Gardening and Garlic

No Dig Gardening and Garlic


What exactly is “no dig” gardening? How do I garden without tilling? If you have ever wondered what no dig gardening is and how this method can improve soil health and reduce weeding this class is for you. Fall is a great time to get started. This method can be used in an existing garden plot or to start a new bed/garden.  Growing Garlic - Class will describe garlic varieties, which ones grow best in Colorado, and how to plant, grow, and harvest garlic.  Sarah Woolsey AG

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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Preserving the Harvest

Preserving the Harvest


A class which will give you an basic introduction into the many different ways of preserving the summer harvest including:  water bath canning, pressure canning, dehydrating, freezing, pickling, fermenting and fresh storage.  The class will let you know what method is best for what vegetable or fruit.  John Baltich and Sally Berriman CMG & AG

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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Indoor Plants

Indoor Plants


Something to keep you busy year round.  Learn about types of house plants, selecting indoor plants, plant sizes, plant colors, artificial light or not, when and which fertilizer to use, what containers can be used, how and when to repot, temperature and humidity control, when and how to water. Kerry Poppe, Jeffco Master Gardener.

Signup at the Links Below:


All classes are held at the Arvada Community Garden located at 9195 W 57th Ave, Arvada, CO 80002.

  • Inclement weather location is Vance Street Flats, 5854 Vance Street, Arvada, CO  80003 with a delayed start time of 6:15pm.


For more info contact Heather Fiedler    720-341-9968

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