A close up photograph of a Large Dalia plant with a view of the garden in the background.

Welcome to the Arvada Community Garden

2025 Gardening Season

New Members:

Print out and complete an Application and Waivers provided in the link below:

Returning Members:

If you would like to retain your current plot for 2025 make sure you have:

  1. Completed the required 15 hours of community work in the garden per plot for 2024.

  2. Cleaned out your current plot for the winter by November 11th, 2024 (all weeds, plants and garden equipment have been removed from your plot).

  3. NOTE:  Current members must complete a new application/waivers each year.    

  4. Snail Mail or Email your completed forms and payment to Michaeal Mutnan as below or bring it to the next monthly meeting. 

    1. Michael Mutnan, 7248 Deframe Court, Arvada, CO 80005

    2. michaelmutnan@live.com

  5. DEADLINE for renewal is Monday, February 10, 2025

Looking for Garden Photos?

We are storing all our photos on a third party site. Click the below button to get access to pictures of the garden through the season!

Garden Membership Levels:

  • Full Plots $70

  • 1/2 Plots $35

  • Raised Beds $35

  • Membership (no plot) $35

Picture of a single garden plot with beautiful rows of cabbage and lettuces
A picture of accessible plots with plants growing in them
Photo of smaller garden beds in a row. Some garden beds have plants, others are just dirt.

Garden Tours

Picturesque image of the entire community garden at sunset with the lone beehive.

The garden is staffed and open to the public for a garden tour on:

  • Monday and Wednesday - 5pm to 7pm

  • Saturday and Sunday mornings - 8am to noon.

A tour may include the garden plots, greenhouse, compost area, ditch and pumps, ADA beds, barn, new shed, gourd arbor, beehives, Monarch Butterfly area, pumpkin patch, gazebo, porta potty, herb garden and “the view.”

For other times you can also schedule a guided garden tour by contacting our Garden Tour Director, Frank Yost. He can accommodate most groups: families, children, seniors, daycare and social groups. He can cater the tour to meet your group’s needs and interests. Please contact him if you are interested in a garden tour.

Growing with the Community

Friends of the Garden

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